
Galamb József Agricultural Secondary School will be 135 years old next year. Since 2013 the institution has been maintained by the Ministry of Agriculture. As a consequence, our training offer was exclusively restricted to agricultural training. 
The school currently has 32 classes with 830 students specialized in information technology, engineering, and agriculture. 

The iTStudy Hungary Educational and Research Centre for Information and Technology Ltd. has been working for more than twenty years in vocational and adult education in Hungary as an Accredited Hungarian Adult Educational Institute and accredited ECDL Exam Centre.

Foundation Agro-Centre for education is a non-profit organisation, founded 2006. General aim of FACE  is development of agriculture in Macedonia and the region by strengthening the human capacities based on formal and non-formal education.

AgFutura Technologies support the agricultural sector and the food industry with innovative solutions in the area of Precision agriculture, Business Development and Agro-Food Marketing. AgFutura offer is comprised of three groups of services: Precision Agriculture; Consulting in Agro-Food Industry; and Agro-Food Marketing.

GAK was established in 1995 by the Gödöllő University of Agriculture – today St. Stephen University (largest agricultural university in Hungary) as well as by the major agricultural production companies in Hungary. 
GAK’s main task is the development of relationship between national and international agro-food industry production, user and trading units as follows: 

CAPDM is a micro-SME specialising in XML and other information standards, and in the technologies and business of online distance education. CAPDM has a two decade long history in the design, development and operation of distance programmes, delivered globally, and forming sustainable businesses for clients in higher and further (VET) education.

WIRELESSINFO is private Czech research institute founded in 2003 with focus on precision farming, soil protection, waste management,, landscape management and ICT for agriculture. WRLS has a very wide field of activities with a big exploitative research, innovation and implementation potential on both on Czech market and International market.

Popis projektu

Propojení učitelů odborného vzdělávání v zemědělství 4.0​
Cílem projektu je podpora odborných pedagogických pracovníků v oblasti zemědělství při modernizaci vyučovacích metod a poskytnout jim volně dostupný online kurz “Učitelé v zemědělství 4.0” založený na společeném pedagogickém modelu. Projekt bude spojovat metodiku úpěšného síťového vzdělávacího projektu Leonardo (Tenegen: s novými přístupy a inovacemi v oblasti pedagogiky jako například Kreativní Výuka (Creative Classroom) nebo Převrácená Třída (Flipped Classroom). Vyučovací prostředí a vzdělávací model aplikovaný v rámci tohoto projektu je v souladu s pedagogickými záměry rámcového programu ET 2020 a zaměřuje se na rozšiřování dovedností pro potřeby 21. století, kreativitu a digitální podnikání studentů.
1. 9. 2017
24 měsíců
Galamb József Mezögazdasági Szakképzö Iskola, Hungary

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