OpenWeatherMap weather service is based on the VANE Geospatial Data Science platform for collecting, processing, and distributing information about our planet through easy to use tools and APIs.
VANE platform permits OpenWeatherMap to process and distribute billions of weather data points every second. Number of servers processes more than 10,000 calls a second that are received from OpenWeatherMap service. This is possible due to cutting edge Big Data technologies that is being applied to the VANE platform.
It's not a secret that cost of transactions and cost of storages are dropping rapidly. This opens up extraordinary opportunities for small and medium IT-companies. A few years ago the cost of developing of large scaled system that support multiple terabytes and load thousands of transactions per second was absolutely unaffordable for them, to say nothing of enthusiasts. Now everything is changing. Big Data is becoming available. And this is why OpenWeatherMap weather data is continuing to be free and open.
Who can use OpenWeatherMap weather data
Open API for developers makes it easy to embed weather information into variety of applications including web and mobile weather applications, solutions for insurance, advertising, agriculture, sport and many others. For those who just want to know weather conditions for their location we provide current weather, forecast, maps and a lot of charts on our web-site publicly.