CAPDM is a micro-SME specialising in XML and other information standards, and in the technologies and business of online distance education. CAPDM has a two decade long history in the design, development and operation of distance programmes, delivered globally, and forming sustainable businesses for clients in higher and further (VET) education. CAPDM is also a VET provider in its own right through its sister company, Opus Learning - a fully online further education college approved by the Scottish Qualifications Authority in the UK. CAPDM has worked closely with this national qualifications authority, developing accredited higher national diplomas in the areas of business, accounting, leadership and fitness & health. This experience of developing to nationally approved specifications and standards align perfectly with the needs of the proposed project, as does CAPDM's interests and work in competence-based education and programme design. CAPDM has participated in a number of EU finded programmes, including TIES, Tenegen, SMEs, OpenQAaS and Flip-It.