O2 Training needs of Teachers preparing students for Agriculture 4.0

O2 Training needs of Teachers preparing students for Agriculture 4.0


Intellectual Outcome 2 provides detailed information about the supply side, i.e. how vocational education must meet the needs of demands for existing and future Agriculture 4.0 skills. The results of the survey provides directly usable information for the educational system itself, but its conclusions forms a very important input for follow-on working phases, including the development of the training.

The aim was to get answers on the questions as follows:

  • How aware are agricultural VET teachers of trends in Farming 4/Agriculture 4.0?
  • How prepared are the teachers to develop their students for joining 'connected agriculture?
  • Do they have a sufficiently strong ICT background in precision farming and ICT based systems?

In detailed, preliminary consultations with the partners (who represent industrial and educational parties), the starting project assumption (the H0 hypothesis) was that there is a significant requirement for the provision of ICT training in these fields, but that this hypothesis has to be confirmed through surveys of the target groups in the target countries.